Healthy pregnancy hub

Testimony: Coping With the Challenges of Anxiety During Pregnancy

16 Jan 2025


On November 19, during the official launch of the HEALTHY PREGNANCY HUB, Katie, one of our parent-partners, shared her touching story about the challenges encountered during pregnancy. Her journey, marked by significant physical struggles, takes on a special dimension when she addresses the issue of her mental health, including managing her anxiety disorder. She is not alone. The subject, often taboo, affects almost 1 in 5 pregnant individuals.

A difficult journey: “My pregnancy was a nightmare”.

With disarming sincerity, Katie began her story by explaining:

“My pregnancy was a nightmare. I had nausea and vomiting for nine months, was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and I had high blood pressure. All this to end up with an induction at 38 weeks with forceps and fentanyl. With disarming sincerity, Katie began her story by explaining:

“My pregnancy was hell. I had nausea and vomiting for nine months, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, I had high blood pressure. All this to end up with an induction at 38 weeks with forceps and fentanyl. Whatever you can imagine, I went through it.”

But beyond these major physical challenges, she also had to manage her anxiety disorder, which she had been treating with the medication venlafaxine (Effexor®) for several years.

Between Medication and Anxiety: A Pregnancy Dilemma

When she became pregnant, Katie faced tough decisions about her medication:
“I found out I was pregnant. What do I do? Do I stop? Do I continue? Who do I talk to?”
With her doctor’s support, she decided to stop taking her medication, but it wasn’t easy.

“Imagine early pregnancy symptoms combined with medication withdrawal… it wasn’t pretty. […] I stopped working for three months. I wasn’t myself anymore. I became a shadow of who I was.”

As her symptoms worsened, Katie eventually decided to have an open conversation with her obstetrician. Together, they explored other options, including sertraline (Zoloft®), a medication more studied for use in pregnancy. However, this treatment didn’t restore her balance, and she had to return to her previous medication—a decision that turned out to be the best for her situation.

In speaking with medical experts, Katie was surprised to learn that: “An untreated anxiety disorder could pose more risks to my baby than the potential effects of the medication itself. I would never have guessed that.”

She openly addresses the stigma surrounding this situation:

“In a perfect world, we wouldn’t need medications during pregnancy. But the reality for many women isn’t that simple. It’s time to acknowledge that.”

Conclusion: The Importance of Maternal Mental Health

Her final message resonates as encouragement for all expectant mothers and parents facing similar challenges:

“A healthy mom is truly the best thing for a baby. Whether with or without medication, a healthy mom is what matters most.”

Despite her difficult pregnancy, Katie’s story ends on a positive note: her son Charlie was born “in excellent health, without any side effects, and he’s thriving now.”

Her journey inspires us to raise awareness about the importance of mental health during pregnancy, reminding us that taking care of moms is also taking care of babies.

For more information, feel free to consult our associated resources and additional references:

To seek help from a healthcare professional:

  • Info-Social 8-1-1, a free 24/7 helpline, allows you to quickly reach a professional in psychosocial intervention.

If you or someone close to you is feeling hopeless or having suicidal thoughts, you can find support at:

  • Québec Association for Suicide Prevention and Suicide Action Montréal. Available across Québec, 24/7 at 1 866 APPELLE (1 866 277-3553) or
  • Available across Canada, 24/7 at 9-8-8 or
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Émy Roberge
Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine

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